Miserable drizzly weather greeted Hicklywick and myself to Minsmere but that did not stop some good birding. Having been told of a Great Grey Shrike we were soon watching it (onto Hicks sh*tting list!) on the north bank along with a Rouzel and female Redstart. Onto Dunwich and a Bittern flew into the reeds nearby and a family of Dartford Warblers showed well. Brent Geese were continually flying south, there were a few migrants about and a Cetti's showed very well. Back at Minsmere, south of the sluice we soon picked out the King Eider thats been hanging around. A couple of local birders told us of 5 RB Geese and that they must be wild as 5 can't have escaped together!!! We didn't bother looking for them! Minsmere ended with a Marsh Tit while eating lunch, Hicks 5th tart tick of the day.
We visited a few other places but the majority of yesterdays migs seem to have left or the rain kept them down. Kessingland had a 4-5 Redstarts, several Song Thrush, Redwings, Wheatears, Whitethroats but nowt special except the wooden cut out of a pom skua that had the Hick very very excited!!
The day ended with Avocet joining Hicks 'sh*t' list at Burgh Castle. I seriously have to stop speaking about sh*tting lists!