Having just got back from a week in Norway (more on that later) I have recieved the latest lists from everyone and after a promising start the inland site, Ely has performed as we all first predicted, terribly with only one new bird! Yellowcraig still leads the way by a considerable distance, even winning the faitr play award on the way as a Red-necked Grebe eluded his patch by a meagre 100m. Aberlady looms close behind though with a Little Gull the highlight of the month. It may appear that Girdleness is a birdless void but no, FPS was away all month watching very little in Norwegian waters. So the league table now looks like this after February:
1st: Yellowcraig 85pts
2nd: Aberlady 75pts
2nd: Hopton 75pts
4th: Ely 63pts
5th: Girdleness 59pts
My last visit to the patch was a bit of a wash out but I did manage to add a few seabirds, a couple
Gannets flew north, a male & female
Eider drifted offshore and there was a couple
Teal mixed in with a Wigeon flock flying north. Three
Curlew flying over Corton left my points total at the end of the month on 75.
Just outside the patch, Lound Lakes was considerably more quiet than my last visit as all the geese had upped and left leaving the usual mix of ducks and a lake tick in the form of a GC Grebe.