The day after the Bay of Biscay, Mr Lewis, dodgy Davey and myself headed off to Minsmere to get the two tarts some ticks. First stop was Hen reedbeds, one of my favourite areas in the region. Quiet (or quieter than most places down here) and some good birds. Spring was definately there with Reed, Sedge and Cetti's all singing while Beardies
pinged away. I managed to pick up my first Sand and House Martins of the year, at least a month after most people!! Minsmere produced its usual, far too many people and good birds including this Bittern. A Nightingale was equally tame near the car park, providing a little too much excitement for some! At Dunwich there was a couple of Dartford Warblers holding territory. It isn't until someone from the birdless north comes down here that you realise how good the birding is in East Anglia.
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